University of Salento is a university located in Lecce, Italy. It was founded in 1955 and is organized in 6 Faculties.The Department of Innovation Engineering (DII) of the University of Salento (UNISAL) focuses on new technologies and is devoted to promoting and to disseminate technology innovation. University of Salento, participates in this project with the Laboratory of Management Engineering that operates into the Department of Engineering for Innovation of the University of Salento. The group is specialized in Technology innovation and Entrepreneurship research stream and on the impact of digital Innovation on business processes and organizational configurations.

Researchers and professors working into the research group are characterized by a holistic mindset and an interdisciplinary approach integrating Business Management, Entrepreneurship and ICT. Research streams mainly concern digital Innovation in private and public organizations, digital business ecosystems and models for managing the smart configurations of territories and cities (with particular focus on smart tourism destinations), entrepreneurial education initiatives.